How to send mail from SQL Server?

How to send mail from SQL Server?

Below are the steps to send email from a database in Microsoft Sql Server:

Step 1: Get the database default mail profile using the below query, if you don't have a database mail profile create one.

DECLARE @defaultProfileName NVARCHAR(100)=''
SELECT TOP 1 @defaultProfileName=name
FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_profile p
JOIN msdb.dbo.sysmail_principalprofile pp ON pp.profile_id = p.profile_id AND pp.is_default = 1

Step 2: Use the below query to send email with the appropriate arguments such as toEmailAddress, ccEmailAddress, bccEmailAddress, subject, mailBody etc.

DECLARE @toEmailAddress NVARCHAR(100), @ccEmailAddress NVARCHAR(100), @bccEmailAddress NVARCHAR(100), @subject NVARCHAR(200), @mailBody NVARCHAR(MAX),@filePath NVARCHAR(MAX)
SET @toEmailAddress = ''
SET @ccEmailAddress = ''
SET @bccEmailAddress = ''
SET @subject = 'test subject'
SET @mailBody = 'body of the email'
SET @filePath = 'C:\Test\abc.pdf'
     EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name=@defaultProfileName,
    @body_format = 'HTML',

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1 comment:

  1. nice and informative content for sending mail from database.


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